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Comptia Network+ N10-004 Exam Prep

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Your Complete Certification Solution Covers the critical information you need to know to score higher on your Network+ exam: * Implement proven best practices for managing networks efficiently and reliably * Thoroughly understand network hardware components, devices, cabling, and connectors * Systematically review TCP/IP, related network protocols, and the OSI model * Manage network operating systems and clients * Identify network vulnerabilities and configure network security to address them * Use security tools such as cryptography and antivirus software * Provide reliable, secure Internet access, WAN access, and VLAN support * Implement disaster recovery plans that protect business continuity * Troubleshoot network and Internet connectivity problems * Efficiently document the network and provide high-quality user support CD Features Practice Questions! * Detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers * Multiple test modes * Random questions and order of answers * Coverage of each Network+ exam objective informit/examcram ISBN-13: 978-0-7897-3795-3 ISBN-10: 0-7897-3795-7
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