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Thunderbolts: Cage

Preisvergleich Produktbild Thunderbolts: Cage
It's a new era for Marvel's always-evolving, always controversial team. The most dangerous people on Earth are now all in one hellish prison, and the only way out is through rehabilitation and contribution to society via The Thunderbolts...under the leadership of the steel-hard-skinned Avenger named Luke Cage! So bring on the first participants: Juggernaut! Crossbones! Ghost! Moonstone! And...Man-Thing Against the sordid recent history of the group as a black-ops kill squad, can Power Man restore the Thunderbolts to their rightful potential Find out and discover why ComicsBulletinsays: "Jeff Parker writes villains with his typical panache...this is why I read comic books."COLLECTING: Thunderbolts #144-147, material from Enter the Heroic Age
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