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Alien Legion Omnibus Volume 2

Preisvergleich Produktbild Alien Legion Omnibus Volume 2
The Alien Legion is the most feared fighting force in the Galarchy - and Nomad Squad is the best, and the worst, of the lot. Comprised of the outcasts, dregs, and idealists from three galaxies, the expendable grunts of Nomad jump into a series of intense missions prompted by everything from attacks by biomechanical religious zealots, orders to eliminate a traitorous legion hero, and the personal whims of a Galarchy bureaucrat. The squad is devastated when three veteran legionnaires die - and another faces an even worse fate in a legion 'Mindrobber' machine. Nomad's chemistry is further altered with the addition of Tamara, a cosmic valkyrie who catches Lt. Montroc's attention. Long live the Legion! The longest-running creator-owned series in Marvel Comics' 1980s Epic Comics line, Alien Legion set the bar for military science-fiction in comics. Featuring work by Alan Zelenetz, Larry Stroman, Frank Cirocco, Randy Emberlin, and Terry Austin, Alien Legion Omnibus Volume 2" features over three hundred story pages and rounds out the first "Alien Legion" series including the long-out-of-print "A Grey Day to Die" graphic novel."
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