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You, Only Better

Preisvergleich Produktbild You, Only Better
If you want to be happy, fulfilled and energised its probably best not to obsess over being THE best. Why not focus on doing YOUR best You don't need to completely transform yourself and become a shining beacon of wonderment and astonishing success you should remain you ...just a better version. You, Only Better is all about discovering what you're good at and focusing on that. It's about deciding what it is you really want from life and learning how to reach your full potential. Packed with the author's hand-drawn illustrations, helpful quotes, mini-case studies and Q&As you'll learn how to change your mindset for the better and think positively, take action to achieve your goals, fight against fatigue and get motivated and achieve long lasting happiness and contentment. You, Only Better offers techniques and methods for: * Gaining energy and focus * Managing your time effectively * Setting your goals * Honing your thinking and mindset * Dealing with pressure and stress * Making smart decisions * Thinking creatively to solve problems * Actually taking action and keeping up the momentum
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