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Management Tasks, Responsibilities Practices (Drucker)

Preisvergleich Produktbild Management Tasks, Responsibilities Practices (Drucker)
In this classic text, Peter Drucker studies how modern-day managers, whether in business or public service, can perform effectively. He takes an international view, exploring management problems in Great Britain, Western Europe, Japan, and Latin America, and suggests how these problems can be tackled. The interactions between manager, the institution and the social and cultural environment are penetratingly examined, and the book is enhanced by telling examples from a wide spectrum of experience. The essence of management is performance. And it is the management and managers of our institutions - business and government, educational and multinational - that will determine our future. The purpose of this landmark study is to prepare today's and tomorrow's managers for their tasks and responsibilities and to enable them to meet the formidable challenge ahead. A landmark study for today's and tomorrow's managers, it shows how modern-day managers can perform effectively. It is Drucker's most comprehensive text.
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