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ITIL Service Strategy 2011

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The ITIL 2011 Editions have been updated for clarity, consistency, correctness and completeness. ITIL Service Strategy provides a view of ITIL that aligns business and IT so that each brings out the best in the other. It ensures that every stage of the service lifecycle stays focused on the business case and relates to all the companion process elements that follow. Subsequent titles will link deliverables to meeting the business goals, requirements and service management principles described in this publication. Key features: The updated ITIL publications share a similar standard structure (including generic content in Chapters 1, 2 and 6), to improve consistency and aid navigation. Some content has been reorganized to improve flow and readability, and ensure alignment across the suite - including clarification around interfaces, and inputs and outputs across the service lifecycle. Terminology has been clarified and made consistent across the publications and the ITIL glossary.
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