Crime - What happens if your lover turns out to be a serial killer Meet Lenny Bruce in a Dress (aka Jamie Gee), an inspirational stand-up comic with enough cutting edge to rival Boadicea. The punters love her - they think she's tough and in control - but Lily Carlson, her best friend and manager, knows better. Underneath it all, Jamie's desperate for love: the victim of a brutal past, her one fatal flaw is men, and she has an unerring ability to pick Mr Wrong. As Jamie lurches from one bastard to the next, Lily and beautiful Asian transvestite Mojo do the damage-limitation thing. But they'd all reckoned without Sean Powers, a vicious psychopath with the face and body of a god, who threatens to smash the menage trois that sustains them. It's easy to see what makes Jamie fall so hard for Sean, but what's in it for him And what does he really want from her (VG)
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