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Jesse Steele and the Secret of Otherworld

Preisvergleich Produktbild Jesse Steele and the Secret of Otherworld
Jesse Steele never thought of himself as a hero. Why would he After all, he was just a thirteen-year-old boy with a nice home, family and a passion for comic books. He read about heroes, he didn't need to be one. But when his life is altered by a tragic accident, and the world as he knows it, is violently taken away, Jesse finds himself thrust into a strange and magical place known as "Otherworld," where reality is not what it seems, and imagination is everything. In a world ruled by a magic-wielding tyrant and filled with dangers untold, Jesse and his friends face many enemies and look into the eyes of true evil as they unravel the Secret of Otherworld. A secret that can transform the boy into a hero he never thought he could be. A hero that can free Otherworld from tyranny... if he can survive!
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