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Gazed On By Angels in Flight: Victoria Falls

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After years of exploration in rainy, mosquito-infested woodlands in Zambia, Scottish explorer Dr/ David Livingstone gazed on the mighty Victoria Falls and its astounding beauty for the first time. In awe, he reckoned such an amazing natural wonder must have been gazed upon by angels in flight. More than 150 years later, two vivacious and gorgeous models, Sofia and Coco, and a broadcast journalist, Jody, are drawn, as if by fate, to the magical falls where life will test them as the worlds famous Miss Victoria Falls pageant is underway. At the falls, David Livingstone discovered a magnificent scenic bliss. But can the breathtaking beauty of the falls conquer the challenges these three women encounter- Cocoa, with her mixed heritage, Sofia, with a secret that stole her innocence; and Jody, with her new love interest Will the women emerge from this event with a more constructive outlook on life, or will they fold under their individual crises Thrust in a paradise with wildlife and exotic plants, twenty Zambian models compete for the unusual crown during a two-week assignment in the beauty of the tourism hub-Livingstone.
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