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Sheets Eins

von Faber Music
Preisvergleich Produktbild Sheets Eins
Faber Music
Eins. Free Music - Download Code Included (Audio)
Broschiertes Buch
Sheets is a deluxe artefact containing the sheet music to ten of Nils Frahms piano works, a selection of photographs from award-winning visual artist, Stuart Bailes, illustrated instructions on how to modify your piano to achieve Nils signature Felt sound, and a digital pass to download audio copies of the titles featured in the book. Photographs: Stuart Bailes creates nocturnal landscapes using studio lights and imposed stage-like settings. Sheets contains over a dozen allusive images from the artist who has also worked as lighting director for Nilss live performances. Instructions to modify your piano: Sheets includes illustrated instructions for assembling 3 types of damper: the Quick Fix, the Budget, and the Deluxe. Winsome diagrams from Berlin-based artist Paul Praetzel decorate the directions. Design & Construction: The work of melding together the elements of Sheets to produce a visually elegant, beautifully constructed, and tactually pleasurable whole was accomplished by Torsten Posselt and the good people at Berlin digital craft studio FELD.
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