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Crime School (Kathleen Mallory Novels)

Preisvergleich Produktbild Crime School (Kathleen Mallory Novels)
On a hot afternoon, in an East Side apartment, a woman is found hanged. Carefully placed red candles and an enormous quantity of dead flies suggest some sort of bizarre ritual. By some cruel miracle, the victim lives, but remains in a coma...Kathy Mallory does not recognise her immediately. Fifteen years have passed since Kathy lived on the streets of New York, succored by hookers and thieving to survive. Now she has traded in her plastic pellet gun for a 357 revolver and a police badge. No one is allowed to call her Kathy anymore - just Mallory. Once upon a time, a junkie whore and police informer, known simply as Sparrow, had cared for a young street urchin when she was lost and alone. Now, Mallory finds that she is staring her in the face, as she pursues a case which also has in origin in an unsolved murder committed years ago...
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