For those who were inspired by Justina Blakeney's The New Bohemians and traveled with TASCHEN through the world's best homes, here comes something unseen: beautiful designed houses in Iran. Peek inside the homes of artists, entrepreneurs, and architects in a barely known and mysterious country. Have you always wondered how Iranians live In Behind Closed Curtains: Interior Design in Iran, you will find some extraordinary examples. With vibrant pictures it opens the doors to sixteen homes all over the country and shows what makes Iranian design and architecture so special. Along the line, readers will get to know the country, people, and stories behind the often closed curtains. This book is the first ever covering the topic of interior design in Iran. No matter if you are a designer looking for inspiration or planning a trip to Iran, this book is the perfect introduction and for the 5 million expat Iranians, this is some nostalgie. With love from Iran to the world.
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