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Architektur, Technik & Ingenieurswesen
Growth Kinetics and degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Biodegradation of of Naphthalene, Phenanthrene and Anthracene, Surfactants Triton X-100 and Tween-80, Modeling
Guide to Diagnosis and Appraisal of AAR Damage to Concrete in Structures: Part 1 Diagnosis (AAR 6.1) (RILEM State-of-the-Art Reports, Band 12)
Ham Radio General Class Test Self-Study Guide: Exam Focus
Handheld Total Chemical and Biological Analysis Systems: Bridging NMR, Digital Microfluidics, and Semiconductors
Heat Storage: A Unique Solution For Energy Systems (Green Energy and Technology)
Heat transfer and emissions characteristics of impinging flame jets: Methods, Materials and Applications
Heating and Ventilating Homes the Right Way.
Heavy-Ion Collisions. Proceedings of the International Summer School La Rabida (Huelva), Spain, June 7-18, 1982 (Lecture notes in physics, vol.168)
Hexagonal Graph Paper 8"x10": Orange Notebook, Design Book, Work Book, Gaming, Mapping, Knitting, Sketch Book, with ¼ inch Hexagon| For Everyday Use | 150 pages, Paperback Cover (Hex Collection)
Hexapod Work Space and Walking Algorithm: Work Space Analysis and Walking Algorithm Development for A Radially Symmetric Hexapod Robot
Hidráulica Aplicada a la Ingeniería Civil: Apuntes de los principios básicos de la hidráulica
High Energy/average Power Lasers and Intense Beam Applications VI: Atmospheric and Oceanic Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves VI : 22-24 January 2012, San Francisco, California, United States
High Rise (Fire Officers Handbook of Tactics Video Series)
High-Tc Superconductors for Magnet and Energy Technology: Fundamental Aspects (Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, Band 171)
Holistic evaluation of conventional and innovative ventilation systems for the energy retrofit of residential buildings. (Solar Energy and Systems Research)
How to Install Kodi on Fire TV with Ultra HD & HDR: Step-by-Step instruction on Installing Kodi on Fire TV, Stream Live TV, and Much More
How to Install Kodi on Fire TV with Ultra HD & HDR: Step-by-Step instruction on Installing Kodi on Fire TV, Stream Live TV, and Much More
Huawei Mate 9 Hülle, MKOAWA Echtes Rindsleder Folio Flip Wallet Case, Magnetische Abnehmbare 2 in 1 Abnehmbare Retro 3 Kartensteckplätze für Huawei Mate 9 (Grau)
Huawei Mate 9 Hülle, MKOAWA Echtes Rindsleder Folio Flip Wallet Case, Magnetische Abnehmbare 2 in 1 Abnehmbare Retro 3 Kartensteckplätze für Huawei Mate 9 (Schwarz)
Hybrid Particle Laden Flow Modelling: A joint domain combination of Eulerian solid phase and Lagrangian discrete particle simulations
Hybrid SPI Framework Based on Agile and CMMI for SMEs
Hydro-elasticity in Marine Technology: Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydroelasticity in Marine Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 25-27 May 1994
Hydrogen Recycling at Plasma Facing Materials: Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop, St.Petersburg, Russia, September 15-19, 1999 (Nato Science Series II:, Band 1)
Hyperfine Interactions (C) Volume 5: Proceedings of the International Conference on the Applications of the Mossbauer Effect (ICAME 2001)
I H C Victor and Famous Gas and Gasoline Engines: Operated With Gasoline, Natural, Manufactured or Producer Gas, Kerosene or Alcohol; Vertical and and Air-Cooled, 1 to 35-Horse Power Ga
I Tinker With Radios Journal
IAEG/AEG Annual Meeting Proceedings, San Francisco, California, 2018 - Volume 5: Geologic Hazards: Earthquakes, Land Subsidence, Coastal Hazards, and Emergency Response
iBaste Reinigungs Werkzeuge für Schwimmbecken Bürsten Staubsaugen Staubsauger Bürstenreiniger für Schwimmbecken Fischteiche Wasserbecken
IEEE 802.11s Mesh Wireless LAN Channel Assignment and Power Management: An Analysis
Illustrated Guide and Descriptions of Photographic Inter-Lens Shutters: With Directions for Cleaning and Repairing (Classic Reprint)
Immunosensors (Detection Science)
Impact of Climate Change on Hydro-Energy Potential: A MCDM and Neural Network Approach (SpringerBriefs in Energy)
Impact of Sprinklers on the Fire Hazard in Dormitories: Day Room Fire Experiments (NIST IR 7120)
Improvement of polymeric material adhesion by UV laser and plasma pretreatment (Berichte aus der Materialwissenschaft)
Induction Motor Drives: Principles, Control, and Implementation (Power Electronics and Applications)
Induction Motor Fault Diagnosis: Approach Through Current Signature Analysis (Power Systems)
Influencia de la cavitación sobre el desarrollo del chorro Diesel (Temas Avanzados en Motores de Combustión Interna, Band 10)
Ingeniería hidráulica. Problemas resueltos
Iniciación a la Robótica Educativa con mBot de Makeblock
Insight into Designing Biocompatible Magnesium Alloys and Composites: Processing, Mechanical and Corrosion Characteristics (SpringerBriefs in Materials)
Integrated Filters For Short Range Wireless And Biomedical Applications (Springerbriefs In Electrical And Computer Engineering)
Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) Technologies
Integration Techniques for Micro/Nanostructure-Based Large-Area Electronics (Elements in Flexible and Large-Area Electronics)
Intelligent HVAC Control for High Energy Efficiency in Buildings: Achieving Energy Savings with Developed Nonlinear Control Strategies of Central Air-Condition for Intelligent Buildings
Intermetallic Compounds: Principles and Applications. 2 Volume Set
Internally Compensated LDO Regulators for Modern System-on-Chip Design
Internet of Things for Smart Cities: Technologies, Big Data and Security (SpringerBriefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Introduction To Architecture: The Perfect Introduction To Architecture And Design, And Indeed, The Most Enlightening Introduction To Architecture And Design You Would Ever Read
Investigations and Applications of Severe Plastic Deformation (Nato Science Partnership Subseries: 3, Band 80)
Ion Implantation for High-Efficiency Silicon Solar Cells. (Solare Energie- und Systemforschung)
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