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Marine VHF Radio Handbook

Preisvergleich Produktbild Marine VHF Radio Handbook
This handbook is intended to cover the fundamental and advanced skills of marine VHF radio communications in a clear, readable and thorough manner. The Marine VHF Radio Handbook is a comprehensive guide for users of VHF sets now participating in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS), using VHF radio on large vessels as well as on board of small crafts and pleasure boats. The book incorporates recent revisions to the distress, urgency and safety procedures to be used by Digital Selective Calling and by radiotelephony (voice) messages. The combination of easy to follow text with practical examples, expert tips and clear illustrations ensure that this difficult subject is made simple and enjoyable. With his considerable experience in marine radio communications, the author has ensured that the Marine VHF Radio Handbook is the most complete up-to-date and user-friendly guide to all aspects of the VHF radio and its usage. A useful reference book to keep on board. About the Author László Mercz was senior counsellor for 20 years with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and now is a member of the ITU Working Party on maritime mobile services. For many years he was in charge of training in coastal and offshore navigation for the Cruising Club of Switzerland. He is a radio course instructor and author of marine radio communication courses and VHF radio simulator software.
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