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EUTOPIA II: remote-controlled

Preisvergleich Produktbild EUTOPIA II: remote-controlled
Eutopia II is based on the ontological claim that everything that is is one indivisible nature. This avowal of naturalism thus opens every possible hybridization, transformation and mutation of natural systems, that is, of all systems. At the core of this publication is a longing for narration and imagination, and by the same token the wish for liberation from the "terror of understanding" within architecture. The obsession with explicability and the quest for meaning follows an increasingly one-dimensional functionalization of the interpretation of architecture. This book opposes this lure of reality... Story: Eutopia's creatures are travellers. Hybrids in time, travellers in space. Without a destination and without a recognizable purpose. It remains uncertain whether they generate space, whether they are objects, living beings, machines, animals or animate architecture. They live invisibly among us, and there are only few who have had the good fortune to recognize them. Only when they wish and only in nebulous environments are they visible for brief moments. This little book recounts these sightings and the strange experiences that these people have made.
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