BETTER FUNCTION OF THE BRAIN. IMPROVING VITALITY ORGANISM. Sport Definition GLUTANIC will minimize the risk of overtraining, which is probably known to almost everyone. Therefore, you will not have to worry about the intensity and length of your training. Of course, this aspect is also influenced by the length of sleep and the appropriate diet. Thanks to this supplement you will achieve more than before! According to the results of scientific research, glutamine supplementation may increase the level of hGH up to 4 times! In addition, stimulation of muscle protein synthesis occurs due to the positive nitrogen balance. As you can see, the effect of glutamine is very desirable and will help to improve muscle growth and strength! Additional supplementation with glutamine has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain - improving, among other things, its nutrition. SUPPORT FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM. FASTER REGENERATION. Sport Definition GLUTANIC works anti-catabolic, inhibiting the breakdown of body tissues (including muscles). This unwanted phenomenon occurs during a caloric deficiency (eg during weight loss), but not only because it also takes place in heavy training. At this point, another advantage of glutamine is revealed, which affects the rapid replenishment of the glycogen level in the muscles. Glutamine belongs to a substance with a broad spectrum of activity - it is possible that not every of its properties will depend on you, but it does not change the fact that the amount of benefits that flow from its supplementation is extremely high!
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