MY LITTLE PONY: PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE: Meet Twilight Sparkle, a natural leader with a love of learning unmatched in Equestria. As a young filly in Canterlot, she was chosen by Princess Celestia to study the highest form of magic as the Princess' own apprentice. Seeing Twilight value knowledge over friendship led the princess to send Twilight to Ponyville to learn the true magical properties of friendship. Twilight soon discovered that the magic of friendship is powerful enough to overcome any challenge Equestria may have. MY LITTLE PONY: PINKIE APPLE PIE: Meet Pinkie Pie, an unstoppable ball of energy! Giggly, playful and super girly, it's not unusual to find this pink pony prancing and skipping blissfully through the streets of Ponyville. Eager to amuse her friends and make everyone happy, Pinkie Pie will find ANY excuse to throw a party and more than one pony in Ponyville has been the unsuspecting victim of a sneak-attack surprise party! MY LITTLE PONY: IT AIN'T EASY BEING BREEZIES: Meet Fluttershy, a graceful, fawn-like maiden with gentle, serene ways, a natural beauty. Depsite her shy and unassuming nature, Fluttershy has a unique gift with animals. Though she's afraid of heights (very embarrassing for a Pegasus) and jumps sometimes at the slightest sound, Fluttershy has no problem confronting grumpy Manticores or scolding greedy Dragons! MY LITTLE PONY: EQUESTRIA GAMES: Meet Rainbow Dash, anyone who has ever seen this rainbow-haired Pegasus in the air has been left in awe of her speed, agility and confidence. Even in her youth Rainbow was a fantastic flier, achieving what no other Pegasus had before: the Sonic Rainboom! Capable and athletic, Rainbow Dash lives for adventure, when any problem should arise, this aspiring Wonderbolt is the first to volunteer to save the day!
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