WINNER - Best Documentary - Motorcycle Film Festival 2013; WINNER - Family Choice Award; WINNER - AMA Hazel Kolb Brighter Image Award. An inspiring celebration of the motorcycling community, Why We Ride is a documentary film that shares the passion of motorcycle riding and shows the camaraderie of the friends and families who ride together. As told by the many racers, riders, pioneers, and parents in the sport, the story weaves its way through generations of motorcyclists who live each day to the fullest on their two-wheeled machines. The refreshing message about the joys of motorcycling, coupled with state of the art photography, capture the imagination and set the soul in motion. Starring: Kenny Roberts, Mert Lawwill, Troy Lee, Arlen Ness, Alonzo Bodden, Gloria Struck, Keith Code, Dave Ekins, Jason DiSalvo, Don Emde, Brian Klock, Butch Baer, Josh Hayes, Melissa Paris, Buzz Kanter, Michael Lichter, Valerie Thompson, Team Peterson, Ted Simon, Dave Barr, Ed Kretz Jr., and many more!
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