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Welsh Connections [UK Import]

Preisvergleich Produktbild Welsh Connections [UK Import]

Welsh Connections captures a diverse year of top climbing action, from hard trad onsights and first ascents, to intense limestone sport, slate, bouldering and deep water soloing.

Featuring Pete Robins, Tim Emmett, James McHaffie, Pete Whittaker, Nick Bullock, Chris Doyle, Chris Davies, Gav Symonds, plus the impressive return to hard climbing of Johnny Dawes.

Also on the DVD we have a second film about Paul Pritchard and Johnny Dawes teaming up together as Paul makes a return to climbing 11 years after his head injury on the Totem Pole. 15 mins

What CLIMB Magazine had to say about it:

So why is Welsh Connections easily the best pure climbing film out this year Well, apart from the peerless cinematography, fabulous action and really rather impressive editing, the choice of music to match the images is, without exception pitch perfect and, on occasion, inspired. But above all, its hallmark is the subtlety with which individual climbing stories have been approached.

Finally, there is the not inconsiderable feat of capturing Mr Johnny Dawes on top form, and his killer charactere appraisals are pure gold. Another major contributor to the narrative glue is provided by the irrepressible Nick Bullock (or 'Turbo Bumbly' as Dawes terms him - presumably affectionately) whose joie de vivre is infectious. The effect of these commentaries from these elder statesmen is not to add gravitas - far from it, they provide loads of fun and lend a patina of good humour to the whole film. Its difficult not to watch this film without a permanent smile on your face.

If a film like this can't inspire you to go climbing in Wales then I'd argue you're not really a climber. But what if indeed you're not One non-climbing friend who normally finds climbing films boring and formulaic was blown away. She loved it - and that's arguably the most impressive result of the lot." Colin Wells

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