A true legend of the sport, 'Chief Wahoo' sat down with Highspots.com for this exclusive shoot interview shortly before his death.Wahoo McDaniel was one of the toughest wrestlers of all time. His chops left quite an impression on opponents and the fans that witnessed the flesh ripping spectacle. Find out about how he got into wrestling while also managing a career in the NFL.Wahoo McDaniel speaks his mind about his career in wrestling. With 40 years worth of stories in him, Wahoo talks about juggling his love for two sports: football and wrestling and why he finally chose wrestling.Wahoo McDaniel has been from Japan to Florida to Texas and the Carolinas. He talks about the memories of the territory system that used to be, and how he found some areas a little easier to work than others.The Chief discusses working with the likes of Nature Boy Ric Flair, Jesse Ventura, Ken Patera, Lex Luger, Dusty Rhodes, Bruiser Brody and more.He tells stories about his trips to Japan, Magnum T.A.'s tragic car accident, the downfall of Crockett's NWA, his health problems, how wrestling has changed and much more.
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