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Yogi Tea White Tea with Aloe Vera 17pcs

von Yogi Tea
Preisvergleich Produktbild Yogi Tea White Tea with Aloe Vera 17pcs
Yogi Tea
White tea
White tea was reserved for the Chinese imperial court in earlier times. Now it is still considered to be one of the most valuable types of tea in the world due to its subtle aroma and elaborate processing. About 30,000 tea buds are required to make one kilogramme of white tea. They are gently dried under special conditions of light and air, which gives the tea its mild-soft taste.


The daisy belongs to the asteraceae family and has a delicate-nutty taste. It grows wherever its bright white-yellow blossoms can best turn towards the sun - preferably meadows, gardens and parks.

Aloe vera

It grows primarily in desert areas and was supposedly already taken along on journeys by Columbus: the subtly tart aloe vera with its slightly nutty taste. Its typical strong, jagged leaves are a well-known feature. They store so much water that the "lily of the desert" can go for months without rain.

Turmeric root

Turmeric primarily grows in Asia and the Mediterranean region. It belongs to the ginger family and is one of the main components of curry powder. In India, the ginger-like and slightly savoury curcuma root was already one of the most important spices more than 5,000 years ago. It was even considered to be sacred.


This "royal plant," as the Ancient Greeks called basil, came to northern Europe in the 12th century. It has a wonderfully spicy aroma, which is ideally featured in both Mediterranean cuisine and freshly brewed tea.

Lemon verbena

Lemon verbena was first introduced to Europe at the end of the 18
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