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Titan gel Spezial gel für Männer

von Titan
Preisvergleich Produktbild Titan gel Spezial gel für Männer
Hydrates. Provides comfort during the intercourse, has a positive effect on the quality of sexual life. Enhances personal potential and promotes new intense sensations. Provides good lubrication. Stain free, easily removed with water, deposit free. Fragrance and parabens free. It can be used during sex as well as with a vacuum pump, extenders, and when performing special penis enlargement exercises known as "jelqing". The positive effect for penis enlargement is ensured thanks to a synergistic complex of biologically active substances: hyaluronic and succinic acids, as well as natural extracts of verbena and strawberry fruit How does Titan gel work The unique substance delivered the expected effect even if obtained with primitive methods or used irregularly. Thanks to the modern methods of making the extract and its combination with many natural active substances, the creators of "Titan gel" managed to achieve an impressive result! Only 100% natural components were used to create the product. Considering this fact "Titan gel" is absolutely safe for men's health. "Titan Gel" is a unique product with a powerful formula. An extract from the glands of Guantam frog is among the active substances of the gel. Native population of South America where this species lives, knew about the incredible effect of the substance produced by the frog's glands 700 hundred years ago and actively used it. Active formula of "Titan Gel" influences cavernous and spongy bodies of the penis, boosts blood circulation, and improves the structure of the tissues. Due to the more active blood supply the tissues accelerate the growth and the penis becomes longer and larger in diameter. The product influences the tissues of the penis only in positive way.
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