Whey protein is the highest BV (Biological Value) protein available in nature. Research has shown that the highest rate of nitrogen retention is achieved with whey protein. USN's 100% Whey Protein provides the purest form of this single protein substrate. It contains proteins such as lactalbumen and immunoglobins, which are known to be vital for proper immune system function and muscle development and recovery. Now with revolutionary HydroMatrix and ZymaTech Enzyme technology, the proper uptake of the protein and it's conversion into amino acids by your body is optimised. Micro-filtration is a state-of-the-art process, which is used to create USN's Whey Protein complex. This preserves the integrity of the proteins, which otherwise can be damaged by excessive heat. Recent research has proved that the once popular Ion-exchange method removes and denatures some of the proteins. USN only uses proteins manufactured through the microfiltration process ensuring total protein integrity. Taking advantage of science and the technology of protein offers the body-builder and athlete a huge advantage in terms of the speed and efficiency of lean muscle repair and building.Properly manufactured whey protein isolates and concentrates represent the highest standard in protein supplementation, and the ultimate choice for the serious bodybuilder, athlete or active individual.
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