Do all you can to protect your eyesight andminus; take Bausch andamp; Lomb Ocuviteandreg; eye vitamin and mineral supplements. For those interested in preventing age-related eye conditions, with high exposure to outdoor blue light, or those who should avoid beta-carotene, such as smokers. Ocuviteandreg; Lutein is an advanced antioxidant supplement formulated to provide nutritional support for the eye.* Lutein occurs naturally in the human eye in both the lens and the macula, which is the part of the eye responsible for central vision and visual acuity. However, lutein must be derived from the diet as the human body cannot produce it. Lutein can be found in kale, broccoli, spinach, and egg yolk, and has only recently become commercially available. Lutein is believed to play a protective role against the development of age-relate macular degeration (AMD). AMD is the leading cause of blindness in the United Kingdom, and it results in a loss of central vision. Ocuviteandreg; Lutein eye vitamins contains 6 mg of lutein, vitamins C and E, plus zinc and copper.Dietary
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