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von KFS Koltsov
Preisvergleich Produktbild FSC REBOOT. FEELING
KFS Koltsov
There is a place in Khakassiya, which should be visited by every person who seeks innermost sense of being. It is the Pass of Ancestors or the Pass of Shaman Power. It starts close to the Efimkino village, goes along a high bank of «Beliy Yus» river, going up and down, going along valleys, arks and steep slopes. Ancient name of this sacral place is «Nine mouths». Really, if one would look at the pass from the opposite bank of the Beliy Yus river, he would see 9 big grottos, resembling open mouths. At this place archeologist found most ancient in Siberia human sites, dated more than 24 000 of years. Our ancestors came at the Pass to make a bow to Gods and Spirits, which habituated local lands and grottos. The Pass of Ancestor is divided into 7 symbolic sectors, each of them symbolizes the birth and formation of the human personality. In the sacral sense, going this pass corresponds to a passing of Enlighted person on the road of knowledge, it is a way of learning during the whole life-time. Someone will make do with superficial knowledge, someone will gain wisdom on his life road.FSC «Reboot. Feeling» Realization of the World integrity and interconnection of all the life forms; Understanding and acknowledgement of one's own kin roots, acceptance of one's own past, finding support and power of ancestors; Rebirth and development of spirituality increase of awareness, finding wisdom; Aids to grasp one's predestination; Aids to grasp oneself as a whole personality, grasping and acceptance of one's own purposes and targets; Filling of the internal power source, opening of possibilities to manifest one's own highest potential - spiritual and physical; Harmonization and opening of new perspectives in all spheres of life: private, professional, material, spiritual;
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