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Drakefor DKF480 Plus Kavitationsgerät

von Drakefor
Preisvergleich Produktbild Drakefor DKF480 Plus Kavitationsgerät

Ultrasound of 1 million hertz, a solution for beauty problems, with the effectiveness of triple impact.

-RGB Therapy.

-Red: it closes the pores, protects the skin, stimulates the collagen protein.

-Blue: bactericide, anti-acne.

-Green: stimulates the most superficial microcirculation and produces a calming effect.

-Galvanic: positive ions (cleansing of skin pores) and negative ions (nutrients for the skin due to a greater absorption of the active ingredients).

-Device designed to fight effectively against two aesthetic problems: cellulite and aging.

- Ultrasound can produce pressure changes in the interstitial fluid found between fat cells (adipocytes or lipocytes). They can break down the fragile cell membranes that form cellulite thanks to the release of the fat emulsion.

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