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DermaSpray Intensive 50ml

von Salcura
Preisvergleich Produktbild DermaSpray Intensive 50ml
Salcura INTENSIVE Skin Nourishment Spray is both innovative and unique. Developed specifically for people 12 months old to adult with eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, urticaria and dry, itchy skin. It combines an effective steroid and chemical free, nutrient rich formulation with a hassle free spray on application. Providing rapid itch relief, the fine liquid sinks deep into the skin to nourish skin cells earlier on in their life cycle - making them healthier when then are at the surface and so far less likely to display symptoms such as redness, dryness and itchiness. A spray application can also be far more practical and economical than a cream. It can easily be used in the hair-line/scalp and doesn't need to be rubbed if so desired. Atomising the liquid through a spray head means little wastage, minimal liquid use and an even coverage over the skin. Everyone's skin is unique and as such your skin will have it's own needs when it comes with deal with symptoms. Having no harmful substances in it actually means that the product has no usage restrictions so can be used as much as needed. Thanks to the product being 100% free from chemicals, the product has no usage restrictions so can be used as much as needed. As a rough guide, we recommend spraying liberally onto the skin at least 3 times a day. As the inflammation subsides then reduce the application frequency to a point where healthy skin is being maintained by spraying every other day or so. > Suitable for all skin types, adults and children over 12 months > Re-apply after washing. > For external use only. > Keep in a cool, shaded area.
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