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YouN 4 Channel 20A Relay Control Module Board for UNO MEGA2560 R3 Raspberry Pi

von YouN
Preisvergleich Produktbild YouN 4 Channel 20A Relay Control Module Board for UNO MEGA2560 R3 Raspberry Pi

The module's interface:

The module's control end: it has 7 lines of interfaces, all the interfaces can be directly lined out with wire, for the convenience of our users.

DC+: Termination connected to positive electrodes of the external direct current power.

DC-: Termination connected to negative electrodes of the external DC power.

VRFF: Photoelectricity isolated controlling end refers to the earth wire.

If VREF connected to the negative electrode of the power, when the termination at high electrical level (relative to VREF), the relay will pick-up accordingly.

If VREF connected to the positive electrode of the power, when the termination at low electrical level (relative to VREF), the relay will pick-up accordingly.

The relay's outlet end:

There are 12 lines of interfaces, all the interfaces can be directly lined out with wire, for the convenience of our users.

NO1-NO8: The relay's normally open interface, it is dangles before the relay's pick-up, and short circuits with COM after the pick-up.

COM1-COM8: Common interface of the relay

NC1-NC8: Normally closed interface of the relay, It short circuits with COM before the relay's pick-up and dangles after the relay's picked-up.

Warm Tips:

Isolated relay module is used for adapting bad electromagnetic environment or occasions requiring good signal, demanding complete isolated effect, the power of user's control panel(which is the reference power connected to VERM) and the source power of the relay module (DC+/DC-) shall be differentiated.

Package included:1 x Relay Control Module

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