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Waiecnksa Radxa Zero Amlogic S905Y2 A53 512MB LPDDR4 RAM+0 EMMC WIFI4 / BLE4 Development Board for Zero

von Waiecnksa
Preisvergleich Produktbild Waiecnksa Radxa Zero Amlogic S905Y2 A53 512MB LPDDR4 RAM+0 EMMC WIFI4 / BLE4 Development Board for Zero
4. The Arm Linux board is equipped with up to 4GB of RAM, 16GB of eMMC flash memory, and an AP6212 or AP6256 wireless module.
2. However, due to the use of the Amlogic S905Y2 -core -A53 processor with a main frequency of up to 2.0 GHz,
Features: 1. The for Radxa Zero adopts the for Zero W form factor,
3. Higher performance, which Radxa says is equivalent to about 70% of the CPU performance for .
5. Plus all the ports for the Zero W, with a twist, the mini -compatible port is replaced by a --compatible port, and the USB-C port is used instead of the -USB port.
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