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BabyMad Digital Basal Body Temperature Ovulation Test Thermometer + BBT Chart

Preisvergleich Produktbild BabyMad Digital Basal Body Temperature Ovulation Test Thermometer + BBT Chart
ONLY BabyMad sell this Thermometer, bought from any other seller it won't be genuine. Chart your Basal Body Temperature & predict ovulation - your most fertile time of the month to conceive a baby! (Free BBT Chart provided)When a woman ovulates, a rise in body temperature takes place in order to provide a more fertile environment for conception. By monitoring when this temperature change occurs, you can determine when ovulation takes place in your cycle. Recording each day's basal body temperature with a BabyMad Basal Thermometer will help you predict ovulation!What Is a Basal Body Temperature (BBT) Basal temperature is the lowest normal body temperature of a person immediately upon awakening in the morning - BEFORE you get up, move around, eat, drink, smoke, talk - if possible, while you are still "half asleep". The best reading of your basal temperature can be taken at the same time every morning when you first awake.
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