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[Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces 2004: MG-151-AF: Analysis of Maintenance Forward Support Location Operations] (By: Amanda Geller) [published: March, 2005]

Preisvergleich Produktbild [Supporting Air and Space Expeditionary Forces 2004: MG-151-AF: Analysis of Maintenance Forward Support Location Operations] (By: Amanda Geller) [published: March, 2005]
Examines the development and recent implementation of maintenance forward support locations, also known as Centralized Intermediate Repair Facilities. This study examines a reconfiguration of the current U.S. Air Force support system that would implement maintenance forward support locations to consolidate intermediate maintenance near the theater of operations. Such locations are known as Centralized Intermediate Repair Facilities, or CIRFs. The report recommends that the Air Force explore the use of CIRFs outside of the United States as wel as within, establish an Operational Support Center at each Major Cornmand, and centralize OownershipO of engines and pods.
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