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The Courtesan's Arts: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Includes CD

Preisvergleich Produktbild The Courtesan's Arts: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Includes CD
"The Courtesan's Arts: Cross-Cultural Perspectives" is a book that explores the historical and cultural significance of courtesans across different societies and time periods. The book delves into the lives of these influential women who used their charm, wit, and artistic talents to gain power and influence in a male-dominated world. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of courtesan culture from a cross-cultural perspective, examining the practices and customs associated with courtesans in various regions such as ancient Greece, medieval Japan, Renaissance Italy, and Mughal India. It explores how these women navigated their way through society, often blurring the lines between art, entertainment, and prostitution. The authors of the book draw on a wide range of primary sources, including historical texts, poetry, art, and music, to provide a nuanced understanding of the courtesan's role in shaping social, political, and cultural dynamics. The book also includes a CD that showcases the music and performances associated with courtesan culture, offering readers a multi-sensory experience. "The Courtesan's Arts: Cross-Cultural Perspectives" aims to challenge common stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding courtesan culture, highlighting the agency and creativity of these women. It sheds light on their contributions to art, literature, and music, and their impact on society as a whole. Overall, this book provides a fascinating exploration of the courtesan's arts from a cross-cultural perspective, offering readers a deeper understanding of the complexities and significance of courtesan culture throughout history.
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