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The Mormon Theocracy

von Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
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Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
The Mormon Theocracy, also known as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) or the Mormon Church, is a religious organization that operates as a theocracy in some aspects. The Mormon Church was founded in the early 19th century by Joseph Smith in New York. The church believes in the teachings of Jesus Christ and considers the Book of Mormon, alongside the Bible, as sacred scripture. Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was a prophet who restored the true church of Jesus Christ on Earth. The Mormon Church has a hierarchical structure with a prophet at its head. The prophet is believed to receive direct revelation from God and is considered the highest authority in the church. The prophet is assisted by a group of apostles, who also hold significant authority within the church. The Mormon Church has its own set of religious laws and practices, which are followed by its members. These include strict rules on personal behavior, such as abstaining from alcohol, tobacco, and premarital sex. Mormons are encouraged to live a moral and virtuous life and to actively participate in their communities. In areas where the church has a strong presence, such as parts of Utah, Idaho, and Arizona in the United States, the Mormon Church has significant influence politically and socially. This has led to some critics referring to it as a theocracy. However, it is important to note that the church does not have direct control over government institutions, and the separation of church and state is upheld. The Mormon Church is known for its missionary program, where young members are encouraged to serve as full-time missionaries for a period of two years. These missionaries are sent around the world to spread the teachings of the Mormon faith and to help others learn about the church. Overall, the Mormon Theocracy refers to the organizational and hierarchical structure of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which is based on the belief in a living prophet who receives direct revelation from God. The church has a significant influence in the areas where it is well-established and is known for its strict moral code and missionary efforts.
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