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[(Refuel: A 24-Day Eating Plan to Shed Fat and Pump Up Strength, Energy, and Stamina)] [ By (author) John La Puma ] [December, 2013]

Preisvergleich Produktbild [(Refuel: A 24-Day Eating Plan to Shed Fat and Pump Up Strength, Energy, and Stamina)] [ By (author) John La Puma ] [December, 2013]
LOW T THE "SAFE" AND "NATURAL" WAY TO BOOST IT IN 24 DAYS. Throughout much of their lives, men have a weight advantage over women, whose bodies are naturally designed to hold more fat. Fair or not, men's hormonal make-up, muscle mass, and unique metabolic profile make it easier for them to stay lean. But certain conditions can overturn that gift--the passage of time, the pressure of work and others, the wrong 'fuel'--and lead men to a hormonal state that more closely resembles, well, women. If you have a beer gut, fatty pecs and are 'softer' then you used to be, especially where it counts the most, keep reading. Help is in your hands. Designed to restore optimal testosterone levels, eliminate dangerous visceral fat and improve sexual performance, REFUEL(TM) gives you the rules, skills, and step-by-step plan needed to optimize the male biochemical blueprint, including: -- How to boost T-levels and supercharge sex naturally, without hormones or drugs--Gender-specific nutritional engineering--or why a generic weight-loss approach just doesn't work --No sweat tactics to jumpstart your metabolism, build strength and maximize energy, naturally --The 5 commandments for getting it up and dropping the gut--How to man a kitchen--with 15 great tasting dishes anyone can and should make--How to engage and include the women in your life as partners in your program With this book, New York Times bestselling author Dr. John La Puma reveals the breakthrough 24 day fat-loss plan specifically engineered for the male brain and body that is dramatically changing lives. Reboot, rebuild: REFUEL(TM).
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