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The Birkman Method: Your Personality at Work

von Wiley
Preisvergleich Produktbild The Birkman Method: Your Personality at Work
The Birkman Method is a comprehensive personality assessment tool that provides insights into an individual's unique strengths, needs, and behaviors in a work setting. It was developed by Dr. Roger Birkman in the 1950s and has since been used by organizations, teams, and individuals to enhance communication, teamwork, and overall performance. The assessment is based on the theory that individuals have different personality traits that influence how they interact with others and approach tasks. The Birkman Method measures various aspects of personality, such as communication style, motivation, stress behavior, and interpersonal relationships. By understanding their own personality profile and those of their colleagues, individuals can improve their self-awareness, communication skills, and ability to work effectively in teams. The Birkman Method can also help organizations make informed decisions about hiring, training, and developing their employees. Overall, The Birkman Method is a valuable tool for individuals and organizations looking to better understand and leverage their unique personalities in the workplace.
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