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Anne Nasihatleri: Vezaifü'l-nas

von Semerkand Yaynlar
Preisvergleich Produktbild Anne Nasihatleri: Vezaifü'l-nas
Semerkand Yaynlar
"Anne Nasihatleri: Vezaifü'l-nas" is a Turkish book written by Ahmed ibn Mahmud el-Kurdi. It is a compilation of advice and guidelines for mothers on various aspects of raising children and managing their households. The book primarily focuses on the role of mothers in nurturing and educating their children to become pious and responsible individuals. Some of the topics covered in "Anne Nasihatleri: Vezaifü'l-nas" include: 1. The importance of a mother's role: The book emphasizes the significance of a mother's influence on her children's development, both in terms of their religious and worldly education. 2. Moral and ethical guidance: It provides guidance on instilling good morals and ethics in children, teaching them virtues such as honesty, kindness, humility, and patience. 3. Religious education: The book offers advice on teaching children about Islamic principles, practices, and values, such as prayer, fasting, charity, and honesty. 4. Disciplining children: It provides insights into effective methods of disciplining children without resorting to harshness or violence. 5. Household management: The book also offers advice on managing household affairs, including cooking, cleaning, organizing, and budgeting. "Anne Nasihatleri: Vezaifü'l-nas" is considered a valuable resource for mothers seeking guidance on raising virtuous and well-rounded individuals. It provides practical advice and spiritual insights to help mothers fulfill their roles effectively. However, specific details about the content and chapters of the book may vary, as it is advisable to refer to the specific edition or translation for more accurate information.
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