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Arnold: The Education Of A Bodybuilder

Preisvergleich Produktbild Arnold: The Education Of A Bodybuilder
Arnold is the long awaited book by Arnold Schwarzenegger, his bestselling autobiography and fitness plan. In its pages the superstar of PUMPING IRON tells you how he became the most successful bodybuilder of our time. With the aid of vivid photographs and a step by step programme, the man who became Mr Olympia and Mr Universe lets you into the secrets of his astonishing success - what to eat, what to wear, how to expand your normal exercise routine into a championship-level workout. A special four-day gym programme includes specific exercises to develop specific muscle-groups, with each exercise illustrated with photographs of Arnold in action. Fascinating and inspiring both as an autobiography and as a fitness guide, ARNOLD: THE EDUCATION OF A BODYBUILDER, will show you how to enjoy better health and increasion relaxation through the disciplines and rewards of bodybuilding.
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