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The Whig Party, 1807 - 1812 (Routledge Revivals)

von Routledge
Preisvergleich Produktbild The Whig Party, 1807 - 1812 (Routledge Revivals)
The Whig Party, 1807-1812, was a political party in the United States during the early 19th century. It was formed in opposition to the policies of President Thomas Jefferson and his Democratic-Republican Party. The Whig Party was founded in 1833 by a group of politicians who were dissatisfied with the policies of President Andrew Jackson and his Democratic Party. The party's name was derived from the British Whig Party, which had opposed the monarchy and supported parliamentary reform. The Whigs believed in a strong central government, protective tariffs to promote domestic industries, and internal improvements such as roads, canals, and railroads. They also supported a national bank to regulate the economy and a system of public education. During its early years, the Whig Party had a diverse membership that included former Federalists, former Democratic-Republicans, and other political factions. The party's leaders included Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, and John Quincy Adams. In the presidential election of 1840, the Whigs successfully ran William Henry Harrison as their candidate, who won the election and became the ninth President of the United States. However, Harrison died only a month into his presidency, and his vice president, John Tyler, who had been elected as a Whig, soon broke with the party and pursued policies that were more aligned with the Democrats. The Whig Party continued to exist until the mid-1850s, but it began to lose support and eventually dissolved. Many of its members joined the new Republican Party, which emerged as a major political force in the 1850s and eventually elected Abraham Lincoln as President in 1860. Overall, the Whig Party, 1807-1812, played a significant role in American politics during its brief existence. It represented an alternative to the dominant Democratic Party and advocated for policies that promoted economic development and a strong central government.
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