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Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots

von Transformers
Preisvergleich Produktbild Transformers Prime: Rage of the Dinobots
*Trade paperback *104 pages *Brand new Bridging the story from the Fall of Cybertron video game to the Prime TV show - the Dinobots hold the line as Cybertron falls! With Optimus Prime and the Ark long gone, the rest of the population makes their escape from the dying world - but Shockwave remains behind, continuing his experiments!
*104 pages
*Brand new Bridging the story from the Fall of Cybertron video game to the Prime TV show - the Dinobots hold the line as Cybertron falls! With Optimus Prime and the Ark long gone, the rest of the population makes their escape from the dying world - but Shockwave remains behind, continuing his experiments!
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