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A Bloody Business

von Titan Books
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Titan Books
The Rise of organized Crime in America
Gebundenes Buch
The Italian Mobthe Jewish Mobyouve read the stories, youve watched the movies, you know the names: Meyer Lansky, Lucky Luciano, Bugsy Siegel, Al Capone. But youve never seen it like this before. Informed by more than 40 hours of recorded interviews with the man the FBI called the oldest living Godfather in America, Vincent 'Jimmy Blue Eyes' Alo, before his death in Florida at the age of 96, this novel tells the real story, unvarnished and uncensored, of the Mobs rise to power during Prohibition, as seen through the eyes of a man who was there and got his hands bloody. No one of this stature has ever been so forthcoming and candid - his one condition, that none of it be published until after he was dead
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