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Raisins and Almonds: Miss Phryne Fisher Investigates

Preisvergleich Produktbild Raisins and Almonds: Miss Phryne Fisher Investigates
Super-sleuth Phryne Fisher steps, like an elegant cat, through this, her eighth adventure In investigating the poisoning of a young man in a bookshop at the Eastern Market, and the wrongful arrest of one Miss Sylvia Lee, Phryne is plunged into a world of politics, alchemy, poison and chicken soup. Stopping only for a brief, but intensely erotic, dalliance with the beautiful Simon Abrahams, Phryne pikc her way through the mystery with help from the old faithfuls - Bert, Cec, Dot and Detective Inspector 'Call Me Jack' Robinson. But ultimately it is her stealth and wit which solve the crime - and all for the price of a song...
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