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The Fox

von Bantam Press
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Bantam Press
Broschiertes Buch
The master storyteller is back with a classic race-against-time thriller with a modern edge. Most weapons do what you tell them. Most weapons you can control. But what if the most dangerous weapon in the world isn't a smart missile or a stealth submarine or even an AI computer programmeWhat if it's a 17-year-old boy with a blisteringly brilliant mind, who can run rings around the most sophisticated security services across the globe, who can manipulate that weaponry and turn it against the superpowers themselvesHow valuable would he be And what wouldn't you do to get hold of him The Fox is a race-against-time thriller across continents to find and capture, or protect and save, an asset with the means to change the balance of world power. Whatever happens he must not fall into the wrong hands. Because what follows after that is unthinkable...
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