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Thor's Hammer (Hopscotch: Myths)

Preisvergleich Produktbild Thor's Hammer (Hopscotch: Myths)
Thor's Hammer, also known as Mjölnir, is a powerful weapon in Norse mythology wielded by the god Thor. It is said to be incredibly heavy and can only be lifted by Thor himself. Mjölnir is described as a hammer or a club with a short handle and is said to have the power to create thunder and lightning when thrown. In Norse mythology, Thor uses Mjölnir to protect Asgard, the realm of the gods, from threats such as giants and other enemies. The hammer is also a symbol of protection and is often used in ceremonies to bless and protect those who seek Thor's help. Mjölnir is often depicted as a symbol of strength, courage, and protection in modern culture, and is a popular motif in Scandinavian and Viking-inspired art and jewelry. The hammer is also associated with fertility and is sometimes worn as a talisman for protection and good luck.
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