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The Mighty Avengers (Marvel: The Avengers)

von Golden Books
Preisvergleich Produktbild The Mighty Avengers (Marvel: The Avengers)
Golden Books
The Mighty Avengers is a superhero team in the Marvel Comics universe. The team was created by writer Brian Michael Bendis and artist Frank Cho, and first appeared in "The Mighty Avengers" #1 in 2007. The team was formed in response to the events of the "Civil War" storyline, in which the superhero community was divided over the Superhuman Registration Act. Iron Man, who supported the Act, recruited a new team of Avengers to help enforce it. The team consisted of characters like Iron Man, Ms. Marvel, Wonder Man, Ares, Wasp, Sentry, and Black Widow. Over the years, the roster of the Mighty Avengers has changed multiple times, with various heroes joining and leaving the team. Some of the notable members of the team include Luke Cage, Jessica Jones, Spider-Man, Captain America, and She-Hulk. The Mighty Avengers have been involved in numerous storylines and battles, facing threats ranging from supervillains to cosmic entities. They have also crossed paths with other superhero teams, such as the New Avengers and the Secret Avengers. Overall, The Mighty Avengers are known for their teamwork, bravery, and dedication to protecting the world from evil forces. They are a key part of the larger Avengers franchise within the Marvel Comics universe.
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