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Unnatural Causes, The Prison Doctor Women Inside, The Prison Doctor, Quick Reads This Is Going To Hurt 4 Books Collection Set

Preisvergleich Produktbild Unnatural Causes, The Prison Doctor Women Inside, The Prison Doctor, Quick Reads This Is Going To Hurt 4 Books Collection Set
Unnatural Causes is a book written by Dr. Richard Shepherd, a forensic pathologist who has worked on some of the most high-profile cases in recent British history. The book explores the science behind death and how it can help us better understand life. The Prison Doctor: Women Inside is a memoir by Dr. Amanda Brown, a former prison doctor who worked in a women's prison in the UK. The book gives an insight into the lives of the women she treated and the challenges they faced while incarcerated. The Prison Doctor is another memoir by Dr. Amanda Brown, this time focusing on her experiences working in a men's prison. The book highlights the healthcare issues faced by prisoners and the impact of incarceration on their physical and mental health. Quick Reads This Is Going To Hurt 4 Books Collection Set is a collection of books by Adam Kay, a former doctor turned writer. The books are a mix of memoir and humor, offering a behind-the-scenes look at life as a junior doctor in the UK's National Health Service. Overall, these books offer a fascinating insight into the world of medicine, prisons, and the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in different settings.
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