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Valpolicella Classico Superiore - 2011 - Weingut Quintarelli

von Weingut Quintarelli
Preisvergleich Produktbild Valpolicella Classico Superiore - 2011 - Weingut Quintarelli
Weingut Quintarelli
Valpolicella Classico Superiore - 2011 - Weingut Quintarelli Allergenhinweis: Der Wein kann Sulfite enthalten Jg. 2000 Doctorwine: 92 von 100 Punkten. "Doctorwine" hat den Wein "Giuseppe Quintarelli Valpolicella Classico Superiore, Veneto, Italy" aus dem Jahrgang 2000 am 11.09.2012 mit 92 von 100 Punkten bewertet."A relatively intense red color, with clear nuances of garnet while the edge is an already aged orange. One does not question the maestro, one loves him. The aroma is decadent, of falling leaves, humus, raspberry jam. It has a beautiful and varietal palette of autumn colors, like underbrush in November, in all the different, almost nostalgic shades. The flavor is severe, with a nicely expressed acidity and very delicate tannins, almost unnoticeable. This is probably not 'a' Valpolicella but 'the' Valpolicella for what it can express so magnificently." Jg. 2001 Doctorwine: 95 von 100 Punkten. "Doctorwine" hat den Wein "Giuseppe Quintarelli Valpolicella Classico Superiore, Veneto, Italy" aus dem Jahrgang 2001 am 23.02.2012 mit 95 von 100 Punkten bewertet."Made from Verona Corvina grapes with the addition of a little Corvinone andNegrara. It has an intense garnet color, bright and lively. Its bouquet isunmistakable, black cherries preserved in alcohol, then a jam of sour cherryand balsamic accents and dried flowers. Truly emblematic. Its taste openedsoft and enveloping, it is savory but above all it had that alcoholic warmththat Veronelli defined as 'captivating'. A great, cozy red, one whichalmost embraces the palate and hypnotizes it, allowing it to understand thetrue meaning of harmony in taste. The finish is very long, a touchalcoholic, certainly engaging. One of the best artisanal wines to be foundin Italy." Jg. 2007 Wine Spectator: 93 von 100 Punkten. "Wine Spectator" hat den Wein "Giuseppe Quintarelli Valpolicella Classico Superiore, Veneto, Italy" aus dem Jahrgang 2007 am 31.10.2016 mit 93 von 100 Punkten bewertet. Jg. 2003 Luca
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