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Colsaliz Prosecco Servo Suo Brut

von Colsaliz Azienda Agricola
Preisvergleich Produktbild Colsaliz Prosecco Servo Suo Brut
Colsaliz Azienda Agricola
Sparkling wine obtained from Prosecco grapes, coming from the high hills of Treviso, where the vine thrives better thanks to favorable exposure to the sun. The particularity of this Brut is given by the early harvest in order to preserve the acidity, which best suits the preservation, and the tamping system in the absence of oxygen, to maintain intact the aromas and primary flavors, typical of the grape, for which the remains that pleasant floral and fruity scent, with a predominance of green apple that makes it a great sparkling wine. E 'with its balanced vivacity, the ideal proposal for a drink modern and should be served, even at the table, especially with the great maritime openings.
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