52 playing cards with a different, sexy S&M image on every single card - game night has just become more erotic. A perfect promotional item as well as a great impulse purchase in your store or boutique. Sexy card games are some of the easiest to play, because all you need is a deck of Sex&Mischief cards and a little imagination! If you are already a card player, or were when you were a kid, then all you have to do is take those games that you are familiar with, add some new sexy rules, favors, penalties, etc., and Voila! You have an original sexy card game. Rummy, Crazy Eights, Skip Bo! Poker and Whist are just some of the games that you can re-create. Creating your own sexy card games is fun and will give you a sense of accomplishment. Imagine playing a fun and sexy game - that you created yourself! Even better, get your partner to help you make up the rules. Create it together, then play it together. Sexy favors and treats can be whatever you want them to be for your sexy card games. What do you want your partner to do to you What do you want to do to them What do you want to do WITH them Even the penalties can be fun. You can play strip games, where the loser has to remove an item of clothing. Or perhaps you want them to have to do something to or for the winner. Why not incorporate a set of sex dice, and the winner gets to roll them to find out what the loser gets to do to them!
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