Grown from Capsicum Annuum seeds, these Ornamental Peppers put on a colorful display! Capsicum Annuum Prairie Fire is an annual with edible fruit that range in color shades of yellow, orange, red and purple at full maturity. Ornamental Pepper plants are a wonderful, colorful house plant with small fruit that are constantly changing colors. mon name is for Capsicum Annuum is Christmas Pepper. These charming Christmas Pepper plants make a great gift to give! Capsicum Annuum Ornamental Peppers like to be in a warm environment. The pepper plants do well being grown indoors. Place the Ornamental Pepper plant in a sunny window and keep the soil moist but not waterlogged. Capsicum Annuum plants also make excellent bedding and border plants during the summer. For summer use, sow the Ornamental Pepper flower seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before planting outside. Lightly cover the Capsicum seeds with their thickness in soil. Maintain a temperature alternating between 68F nights and 80F days. After danger of frost has passed, transplant outdoors and pinch the seedling back to encourage a bushier plant. Ornamental Pepper plants are very attractive in the front of the border or grow them in containers for the deck and patio. For Christmas Pepper plants being given as gifts, sow Capsicum Annuum seeds in August for plants that are loaded with peppers at Christmas. For the best fruits at Christmas, grow the plants outdoors and bring them in before frost. The peppers will mature in 90-100 days
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