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[Versand kostenlos] Mory 6022BE auf PC USB Speicher Digital-DSO Oszilloskop 2 Wege / / Hantek 6022BE pc-based USB Digital DSO Storage Oszilloskop 2 Ausgangskanäle

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Preisvergleich Produktbild [Versand kostenlos] Mory 6022BE auf PC USB Speicher Digital-DSO Oszilloskop 2 Wege / / Hantek 6022BE pc-based USB Digital DSO Storage Oszilloskop 2 Ausgangskanäle
Hantek 6022be pc-based USB Digital Storag Oszilloskop 2 Kanäle 20 MHz 48 MSA/S is available NOW from our UK Warehouse
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Hantek 6022be pc-based USB Digital Storag Oszilloskop 2 Kanäle 20 MHz 48 MSA/S
Standard USBXITM Schnittstelle, easyly Einsätze Into USBXITM Housing to make up a Combination Instrument.
USB 2.0 Schnittstelle, No External Power Quelle erforderlich, Easy to use.
Be suitable for Notebook Computer, Product Line Wartung, be verwendet an MAN Business.
Maße (mm): 205 (L) X120 (W) x35 (H), be carried an.
High Performance, 48 MS/s Real-Time Engine, 20 MHz Bandwidth,
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Vista.
23 Measurement functions, Pass/Fail Check, be suitable for Technical Anwendung.
- Average, Persistence, Intensity, Invert, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplikation, Division, X-Y Gummiknopf.
Save-in the folgenden: Text File, JPG/BMP Graphic File, MS Excel/Word File.
One Computer CAN Connect Many DSO, Extend Channel an.
labviewvbvcdelphic + + Builder zweite Design Instance.
We offer it for you as Jahr ideal Choice of Order hat Professional Oszilloskop:)
Model hantek6082be hantek6052be Hantek6022BE sainsmartdds120 sainsmartdds140 Channel 2 Kanäle Bandwidth 80 MHz 50 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz 40 MHz Input Impedanz 1 m 25pf max. Sample Rate 250 MSa/s 150 MSA/S 48 MSA/S 50 MSA/S 200 MSa/s Coupling AC/DC/GND vertikal Auflösung 8Bit 8bit 8bit Gain range 10 mv-5 V, 9ste
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